Oxford life. Thirtysomething challenges. Music leanings. Anything really.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Flash Gordon - just how camp?

I was cycling home last night, MP3 player entertaining me with a joyous playlist of Queen and Iron Maiden. Maybe that sounds like purgatory to you, but to me it is rock heaven. Incidentally, Purgatory is one of the Maiden's better songs....

The Queen song Flash came on. What heaven it was for me, cycling round the bottom of Didcot Power Station's smoke stacks to the strains of "What do you mean, Gordon's Alive? Despatch war rocket Ajax to bring back his body."

Well, it got me thinking about the movie Flash Gordon, and I never quite realised just how gay that film was:

- blonde boy Flash himself
- the bear that is the bird bloke
- Ming, some kind of souped up Drag Queen
- prime colours, lots of PVC and hotpants

and a soundtrack by Queen.

Empire did a great article on heretic things to say, one of them being that Flash Gordon was a better movie than Star Wars - that was music to my ears, coz I'd always thought that too.

The point of this post? Just to reveal how random the brain goes when you're riding home...

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