Oxford life. Thirtysomething challenges. Music leanings. Anything really.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

I want a letter

Apple have released a new phone, it's called the Rockr phone, but the meeja are all calling it the iPhone. Coz of the iPod, see?

Apple have monoplised the little i, then.

It struck me that actually, most letters have been claimed:
  1. a-frame
  2. b-boy
  3. c
  4. d-list
  5. eMail
  6. fMail
  7. gMail
  8. h-bomb
  9. iPhone, iPod
  10. jay-zee
  11. kPax
  12. l
  13. mBlox (technology company)
  14. nGage
  15. oRing
  16. p45
  17. qTips
  18. r-Type
  19. s-Type
  20. t-bone
  21. u-boat
  22. v Festival
  23. w
  24. xGames, xTerra
  25. y-Frame
  26. z
Therefore, then, if I'm going to try and market myself as some hip new gadget I can only use c, l, w, or z.

wAndy? zAndy? lCotty? cGroover?

Hmmm, it's hardly going to convince the early adopters, is it?

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