Oxford life. Thirtysomething challenges. Music leanings. Anything really.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Finland is magic

Time to clear out the cobwebs of this blog and add a new post...

Click play to see what I've been doing for the past week:

Liz and I went to Kuhmo, Finland, for Christmas - a magic week of husky sledging, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, rifle shooting (in a biathlon), campfires, fish, dancing to cheesy rock music and plenty of Finlandia vodka.

The (not very good photos) are all at Flickr. Click here to see the photos. I seemed to only get the camera out for the dog sledging. Liz will probably have some more diverse shots at some stage!

And you can check out my video skills! Here's Liz cross-country skiing:

I would totally recommend this holiday - the Finns are great, and it's an excellent change from downhill skiing.

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